About Us
Tired of using synthetic chemical products and literally burning our hands, a bunch of us decided to switch to natural homemade products. The results we got were amazing!!!
Soon we started making these for friends and family. The word spread and we got flooded with requests/orders for making more of our products. That’s when we decided to switch from a home run friendly business and Aromagic was born.
We use 100% vegan ingredients from plant and mineral extracts. Free from paraben, SLS and other such harmful products used by other commercial cosmetic brands, you will instantly fall in love with our products.
Each of Aromagic’s unique blends are crafted specifically keeping in mind that different skin types have different needs. In our range of products you will surely find one that will pamper your skin the best.
We love animals just the way we love nature, hence none of our products are tested on animals.
Come experience the magic of nature with Aromagic!