Peppermint Essential Oil

  • ₹275
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Product Code: Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Benefits: 

  • Improves focus, energy and concentration
  • Supports digestion
  • Reduces muscle soreness 
  • Fights bad breath 
  • Improves breathing 
  • Relieves headaches


  • Mix with coconut oil and rub topically on sore muscles
  • Inhale when riding in the car to ease motion sickness
  • Treat a headache by rubbing diluted oil on temples
  • Sprinkle peppermint oil on cotton balls - Set these around your house to repel ants
  • Homemade Mint Tea: Add one or two drops to a cup of freshly brewed tea. It makes a tasty mint tea that can relieve stomach complaints.
  • Use on bottom of feet and chest to improve breathing

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