Citronella Essential Oil

  • Product Code: Citronella Essential Oil
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹325

Maybe the first thing you think of when learning about Citronella is bugs flying away from a campsite. It’s true that Citronella is an extremely effective agent against mosquitoes and other pesky insects but it also has a myriad of other uses.

Citronella is commonly used in soaps, detergents and cleaning products. Not only that, but Citronella is also incredibly calming.

Derived from the perennial and aromatic grass found in Java, the essential oil is extracted through steam distillation. It’s lemony and woody aroma is very potent and is highly valued in the perfume industry.

Citronella Benefits: 

  • Insect repellent
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Relieves muscle pain
  • Acts as a natural diuretic


  • Mix Citronella essential oil with coconut oil and apply on the skin for repelling insects.
  • Due to its antioxidant properties and ability to increase blood flow, citronella is used as a natural arthritis treatment, specifically linked with reduced pain associated with orthopaedic problems like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Treats cramps, swelling and pain by improving blood flow that lower muscle spasms and tenderness.
  • Regular use of citronella oil can promote the production of urine, which ultimately accelerates the detoxification. It keeps our renal system as well as entire body healthy.

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