

It replenishes the lost nutrients in the skin, reduces acne and makes the skin look healthier. Its oil is a mild moisturiser that is often used for massages. It reduces breakage, split ends, itchy scalp, dry roots and flat hair. It softens the scalp, and makes the hair look shiny, silky and healthy.



It is an excellent ingredient for replenishing the natural glow of facial skin. It not only works as a blemishes eraser but gives the skin an even tone and also works at deeply moisturising thereby calming the nerves and relieving stress.


The health benefits include weight management, protection from heart diseases and diabetes, treating osteoarthritis, and enhancing the absorption of nutrients for the body. It also reduces the risk of cancer, liver damage, and vitamin K deficiency-related bleeding.



It possesses aromatic properties and majorly helps in restoring the natural color of the skin. It is also an excellent toner, as it naturally suspends excess oil from the skin or scalp.


Castor seed oil contains Undecylenic Acid which, is useful for treating skin diseases and skin ulcers.It even fights signs of ageing , moisturises skin, fades blemishes, prevents stretch marks, acne and pigmentation .Castor seed oil is the best rescue to inflamed skin.



It helps keep the skin soft and smooth, prevents premature ageing and wrinkling of the skin, removes dandruff, helps in checking greying and falling of hair and makes the hair look lustrous. It is also known to heal stretch marks. It is mild, thus works well for sensitive skin.


Citronella oil is an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-fungal treatment. The most popular use for citronella is as a constituent in homemade or commercially sold insect repellents, since it naturally repels mosquitos and other bugs.



Its oil is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature and helps in the quick healing of wounds and injuries. It is also effective in reducing muscle pain and fights acne.



A rich ingredient of ancient times, Indian Frankincense actions wound healing, female hormonal issues, arthritis, and air purification.Also known as dhoop ,burning it in the house is said to bring good health.This ingredient also has a powerful role in preventing and treating skin cancer.



Geranium oil is used in aromatherapy to treat acne, anxiety, depression and insomnia. The essential oil can also aid in uplifting mood, lessening fatigue and promoting emotional wellness. It contains antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties. It also helps eliminate the appearance of scars and dark spots by helping improve circulation and promoting an equal distribution of melanin.



It contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties and is useful in treating infections in the case of wounds. It also fights body odour, relieves joint and muscle pains and is a cure for headaches.



Lime essential oil is commonly used for its energising, fresh and cheerful aroma. It is well known for its ability to cleanse, purify and renew the spirit and the mind. It is also said to be effective in cleansing surroundings.



It purifies the blood and is anti-bacterial in nature. Its oil helps keep the skin’s elasticity intact and its seeds and leaves cure chronic skin conditions. It also improves conditions such as dandruff, scaling and hair loss.



It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, K, and A as well also many other micronutrients that make it great for both skin and hair. It is especially beneficial for those with dry and sensitive skin, leaving it moisturised and nourished.



An excellent source of Vitamin C, the antioxidants present in oranges fight free radicals and thus prevents premature ageing of the skin. Oranges have a high content of citric acid which is effective in driving away acne. Orange peels are a natural bleaching agent that can lighten dark blotches on the skin and effectively remove them with time. They help in reducing suntans by deflecting harmful UV rays from attacking skin cells.They also contain folic acid, a type of vitamin B that is vital to hair growth. Oranges also contain Insonitol, another form of vitamin B that prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth.


Patchouli has been used for thousands of years. In Aromatherapy Patchouli oil is said to help relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. It also works as a anti-fatigue, anti-bacterial and skin repairing and soothing agent. Patchouli oil treats inflammation and fungal infections in the skin and scalp.



The benefits of grapes include their ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration, and prevent cataracts. Grapes are one of the most popular fruits in the world because of their taste, texture, flavour, variety, and ease of portability.


This oil is specifically for topical use, where it can deliver a vast array of health benefits to improve your overall wellness and appearance. It's ability to moisturise the hair, prevent hair loss, reduce inflammation, prevent acne, soothe sunburn, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate dandruff, fight free radical damage, boost the immune system, and speed up the healing process.



A strong ingredient in skincare treatment meant to fight acne and blemishes. It also calms skin inflammations, balances the oil ratio and soothes itches and rashes. Relives headache, enhances concentration ,a pleasant room diffuser, cannot be applied directly and a good protector from insects.


Rosemary is an aromatic herb that belongs to the mint family, Lameaceae. Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the flowering tips of the plant through steam distillation. The astringent properties of rosemary essential oil make it beneficial for skin care. It contains a wide array of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants. Its cell regeneration properties are effective in treating visible skin conditions and replacing the damaged tissue, thus reducing the appearance of scars and spots. Due to its powerful disinfectant and antiseptic properties, it helps in treating acne and is extremely beneficial for oily skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties are useful in reducing the swelling and puffiness of the skin as well as healing burns. It also stimulates the hair follicles, thus promoting hair growth.



It is used in health treatments and massages for the body and is a great remedy for migraine and insomnia, also relieving anxiety. It also removes wrinkles, is a natural moisturiser, prevents premature greying, loss of hair and lice, and helps in hair growth.


this oil has antiseptic, antibiotic and anti-fungal properties that work towards reducing infections and dealing with all skin infections, acne, rashes, burns and even dandruff related issues.



Turmeric contains more than 300 antioxidants, which makes it a powerful healer. Apart from fighting pimples and breakouts, it also provides a youthful glow to the skin. Due to its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, it guards the skin from germs, toxins and environmental pollutants. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that lightens skin tone, reduces pigmentation and heals blemishes. Being an excellent exfoliating agent, turmeric can help eliminate the signs of ageing. Healing Turmeric treats skin conditions, prevent scarring and keep complexion soft and radiant. Due to its anti-fungal and anti-allergic properties, it is effective in treating various scalp infections as well.



Ylang ylang oil helps relax the body and soul, and is helpful for people suffering from insomnia, fatigue, and frigidity./ The oil has a distinctly relaxing effect on the body and is often used for the alleviation of stress, anxiety, tension etc. The oil calms the nervous system and is helpful for those who suffer from high blood pressure. It boosts hair development when massaged into hair follicles and is used as natural treatment for hair loss and thinning of hair. This essential oil has been proven to help regulate the production of sebum and helps protect your hair and skin from drying out. Ylang ylang oil also has antimicrobial properties that can help reduce skin irritation and redness.



The Latin name of lavender is Lavare, which means "to wash", due to its particularly pleasant aroma. The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation, and treat respiratory problems.